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to end rape

Able to detect any body fluid from another person

This it the lowest cost, highest impact DNA kit that exists

“I’ve got one, but it’s ​really for my friends and ​sisters. Just in case.”


kit + testing

Get one

Being there for your ​friend will make all ​the difference

“Without my best friend, I would have ​been in denial and blamed myself. She ​helped me see what I couldn’t at the time.”


Secure. Discreet. Yours


Self-test discreetly

5min kit, as soon as you can after (ideally within ​48h). No one else needs to know


Post to the lab

We will keep the swab anonymously, for ​as long as you want us to


See the results

We‘ll tell you if we find another profile, ​and if they are a repeat perpetrator


1. Does there need to be semen?

No. The swab can detect DNA from ​the skin, or from a fluid

2. Where is the used swab kept?

The kit is kept at KCL (our lab ​partner) for as long as you want.

3. Can I keep the kit myself?

Yes, you can keep the swab in the ​fridge for up to two years

4. What can I expect for the results?

You’ll be told how many DNA profiles ​are on the sample. 2 profiles means ​yours and someone else's. We can’t ​tell you who the DNA is.

5. Is this linked to the police?

No. If you want to go to the police ​with our kit we will support you.

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